About Lavine Team

Welcome to the Phoenix blog! In addition to searching for properties, this is a place for discussion, articles and videos about the buying process. Read about local news, info and homes for Canadians in the Phoenix Real Estate Area.

CIR Realty Webinar

Phoenix Real Estate-Realtor for CanadiansOn Monday August 26,2013 from 9:30 am-10:30 am MDT (8:30-9:30 AZ time), Laurie will be the guest speaker/presenter on CIR Realty Live Webinar answering questions about Phoenix Real Estate. Topics will include taxation issues, condo vs house, the buying process, short sales, financing and much more.  Please join in at http://cirrealty.ca/cirlive

Update: the webinar was listened to by hundreds, many of whom had great questions to ask of Laurie. He was answering all submitted questions for about 30 minutes. CIR Realty has referred many of their Calgary clients to Laurie in Phoenix because he is experienced as a Realtor® in both Alberta and Arizona. He was sold hundreds of homes far and wide. Canada to Phoenix Real Estate Connection.

Read about other TV coverage, press releases and news interviews featuring Laurie Lavine of Arizona Premier Realty.

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